How To Create 3 Images For Applying IDD

3 Required images to apply


  1. Color Photo
    Unsed ID style portrait color photo (facing forward) with solid background. No sunglasses, caps, etc…

  2. Handwritten
    Signature Simply sign your name on a blank page

  3. Copy of Driver’s Permit
    Digital copy of valid domestic driver’s permit

How to create these 3 photo images

  • Desktop Scanner
    Scan one or all three images.

  • Smartphone
    Photograph one or all three images using the front or back camera

  • Digital Camera
    Photograph one or all three images

  • Professional Assistance
    You may use the assistance of a professional at your local copy store

How to upload these images

Browse image files at the time of application or email them to at a later time. Be sure to cross reference your application information in the email.

Thank You.